Wednesday, October 17, 2007

4 More Days…

Ok I know I haven't been posting every day - it's because I've been so busy with preparations that I don't have time to post about them! I'm in the home stretch though.

Today we received this:


Terraphone Pro Helmet Intercom system. Yay. It will have to be hardwired to the car battery once we get to Mexico.

In other news...I got my suit yesterday, but it was HUGE. The kind people at Sparco allowed me to go right to the warehouse to try on other sizes and exchange the suit. (the public never gets to go to the warehouse!) I wore my new race shoes today to break them in and get a feel for them while I'm driving. They are very comfortable! I also got gloves.

Right now, the suit is getting embroidered with my name, blood type, and allergies. Emil's will get done on Saturday, when he's back in town to try on the suit I bought him today. You might think it would be unsettling to have to include your blood type on your suit, helmet, and car - but I think it's pretty badass.

We also got our decals. They look awesome!

I have several more last minute details to arrange over the next two days, including a fun surprise for Emil. I hope I don't forget anything.

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